Coversheet - tutor feedback, improvements made and final grade awarded / tutor comments

1.1 Settings on camera - experimenting with slow shutter to create light movement

1.1 Additional analysis and research task for slow shutter photography work

1.1 evidence of ISO, shutter speed and aperture (camera settings) demonstrated through worksheet completion

1.1 understand camera settings

1.2 Use a range of equipment, materials, resources and techniques
memory card and battery maintenance evidence 

1.2 Use a range of equipment, materials, resources and techniques
Applying formal elements to landscape photography  to compose images 

1.1 Aperture test

formal elements applied to own photography - could address this in annotations to evidence knowledge further. 

1.2 Use a range of equipment, materials, resources and techniques
Lenses - types and their uses

1.2 Use a range of equipment, materials, resources and techniques
Experimenting with filters and lenses

1.2  / 1.1 portrait photography using lights, tripod, gels, 50mm lens

Lens experiment

1.3 Produce a series of test shots and images for a selected area of photography

areas of photography researched to inform final idea (studio photography / macro photography

1.3 Produce a series of test shots and images for a selected area of photography
Studio / macro photography

Essay started but not completed - see comments on coversheet as all written analysis shows confident understanding for unit. (TUTOR REH)

Short evaluation but in addition to other work provides evidence of exploring photographic equipment, techniques, materials and resources

  • Morgan's sketchbook is clearly ordered to display evidence for each assessment objective.
  • Some work is under developed but I am confident that overall there is sufficient evidence of each assessment objective and clear evidence of exploring camera settings, techniques, tools, equipment - both to take and edit digital images, including lenses, lighting, formal elements and camera settings as well as Photoshop. 
  • Morgan has used his interest in Marvel to demonstrate studio skills and macro photography - there is visual quality in the images with lighting, reflection, colour all being used to make meaning. 
  • PASS


Coversheet - evidence of work produced, tutor comments / feedback and final grade awarded. 

1.1 Research Photographers’ images.
1.2 Describe photographers’ methods and use of visual language. 

2.1 Develop ideas using a range of sources
2.2 Produce exploratory images

2.3 Adapt ideas in response to feedback

1.1 Research Photographers’ images
1.2 Describe photographers’ methods and use of visual language.
2.1 Develop ideas using a range of sources

2.1 Ideas development evidence: 


 2.3 Adapt ideas in response to feedback

 Final images produced

Final work is well edited, it has a commercial look to it with colours enhanced.  the aperture settings help to focus attention. A good idea for a sequential piece.  (REH)

2.4 Assess own work and reflect on the use of visual images.
Attention to aperture settings, angles, props, good analysis of meaning inferred through formal element choices. Some reflection on how work could be further improved. 
1.1 1.1 Research Photographers’ images.
Additional evidence of links to other photographers

2.3 Final work presented

  • All work produced during lockdown and shows how well Morgan has worked via Teams and in some attended sessions to complete set tasks in order to develop and adapt photographic ideas.  
  • Sequential photography was selected by me (tutor) as it was an area that none of the students had already studied for unit 1 and enabled closer management of work during lockdown. 
  • Morgan has used his interest in Marvel to create purposeful sequential photography as well as being able to experiment with other ideas.  
  • Camera settings and editing choices are all effective. 
  •  Research into photographers work, analysis of images and planning all show how Morgan can work as a photographer to develop and adapt photographic ideas. 


Coversheet with evidence, tutor feedback, final comments and grade awarded

1.1 Describe examples of historical and contemporary experimental and alternative process photographs

Comprehension to understand experimental and alternative processes

Experiments: digital photomontage

Handmade negatives and photograms in darkroom - negative and reversals
projector photography

Research into camera obscura (1.1)

Morgan's own pinhole photography attempt
1.1 Additional research 

1.1 Describe examples of historical and contemporary experimental and alternative process photographs
Essay exploring types of experimental photography and alternative processes

2.1 Outline the main health and safety, legal and ethical issues when preparing for and managing an experimental photographic shoot

Risk Assessments:

2.1 Outline the main health and safety, legal and ethical issues when preparing for and managing an experimental photographic shoot

legal and ethical considerations; 

2.2 Outline the steps in the preparation and management of an experimental photographic shoot
Plan for photoshoots 
2.3 Describe how the working environment should be maintained

3.1 Select, set up, prepare, handle and dismantle equipment safely

3.2 Produce experimental photographic outcomes

3.3 Experiment with different techniques for post-camera image manipulation

3.4 Review image quality in own experimental photographic outcomes

4.1 Present own experimental images to audience and obtain feedback

4.2 Review strengths and weaknesses of own experimental photographic outcomes

Evaluation of completed experimental photography

Final comments: (Tutor R Horner)
  • All assessment objectives are evidenced in the work produced and documented in Morgan's sketchbook / this blog. 
  • Essays and research tasks into different processes are detailed and vast.
  • He has once again been able to use his interest in marvel to create experimental pieces - as well as his 2 final pieces he has also experimented with many other techniques. 
  • The work is evaluated clearly
  • he has shown appreciation of legal, ethical, H&S and planning of work as well as maintaining the environments.


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